A funny thing happened on the way to writing this post about
some of the scribes of The Good Doctor.
TGD writer Thomas L. Moran Tweeted the following this past Wednesday night:
And, because TGD fans are already getting a little dehydrated on this long walk through the summer (and possibly fall) hiatus desert, I pounced on that thimble of water and responded to Moran’s Tweet right away with the reply you see beneath that Tweet.
I was getting ready to go make dinner, so I didn’t stay on
Twitter for long after that (and was planning to do my own detective work on
the index cards later, uncertain that I’d be able to make out a single word…)
“Shaun goes to Glassman for advice on how to patch things up with Lea”
And she was right.
Well, DANG!!! I honestly didn’t expect THAT!!
When I say “THAT”, I mean I didn’t expect to make heads or
tails of anything on the index cards—let alone about Shaun and Lea specifically.
(I’m also not surprised that there appears to be a little trouble in #Shea
paradise already in the forecast… and will talk about that a little later.)
But Moran writing for #Shea isn’t unusual. In fact, of the 20 different men and women who have thus far written episodes of TGD, he was one of the two I planned to feature today. Because when I recently made a list of episodes that I consider to contain #Shea milestones big and small, two writers stood out for the number of “milestones” with which they’d been involved:
(NOTE: * denotes the episode was credited to two or more writers)
Thomas L. Moran was the scribe behind…
"Pipes" |
"Unsaid" |
That gives Moran the largest number of scripts involving #Shea (8).
Incidentally, the man who shares the co-write on the “Islands” 2-parter—which is, arguably, the most milestone-filled part of #Shea’s early days—is William Rotko. Rotko also wrote TGD 1.3 “Oliver”, which contains Shaun and Lea’s very first meeting. Rotko hasn’t written for the show since its first season; most recently, he was contributing to the FOX drama Deputy (cancelled after its initial 13 episodes). Now that #Shea has officially launched, I'll be curious to see if Rotko returns to the writers' canvas in S4...
But in the meantime, the scriptwriter with the second-highest amount of #Shea content is David Hoselton. His efforts include the following six episodes…
"Tough Titmouse" |
2.14 “Faces” (The Mallomars road trip that ended with Shaun telling Glassman he was “not all right” with Lea seeing Jake)
![]() |
"First Case, Second Base" |
3.16 “Autopsy” (The episode that ended with Shaun and Lea’s ill-fated confession of love)
3.20 “I Love You” (Season 3 Finale)*
Both Moran and Hoselton are also credited as TGD Executive producer/Producer, respectively; both were also involved similarly with David Shore’s previous hit medical drama House (which ran in the U.S. on FOX from 2004-2012). In fact, Hoselton’s relationship with Shore dates back much further—they became friends while attending the University of Toronto Law School.
In addition to episodes of House, Hoselton’s prime time TV credits include CSI:NY (CBS), Chicago P.D. (NBC), and the first season of CBS’s Bull (which currently serves as part of TGD’s ratings competition on Monday nights in the U.S.). He also did the screenplays for two full-length animated feature films-- Brother Bear (2003) and Over the Hedge (2006).
Thomas L. Moran (he presumably uses his middle initial to distinguish himself from the 19th Century landscape painter who shares his name) has a primetime resume that, in addition to House, includes Family Law (CBS), JAG (CBS), NCIS (CBS), the short-lived David Shore series Battle Creek (CBS), and the ABC single-season series Conviction.
Both Moran and Hoselton have Emmy nominations too—as do several other TGD writers who wrote and produced for House in its heyday. The nominations were part of House receiving a nod for Outstanding Drama Series every year between 2006 and 2009. Neither writer can claim an Emmy nod for writing—yet—though Moran received an Edgar nomination in 2007 for his contributions to an episode of House entitled “Clueless”. (“Edgar” is short for Edgar Allen Poe; the awards are given by the organization Mystery Writers of America.)
Other than these career highlights of the two men (which are easily found on IMDB), we don’t know much about them. Hoselton has a Wikipedia “stub” page but doesn’t appear to be on social media; Moran has no Wikipedia page but IS on Twitter (@TheTLMoran), where he describes himself as “Minnesotan/Californian, professional TV writer/producer, amateur hockey player, awful musician, cautious Twitter toe-dipper”. Hopefully he isn’t becoming even more cautious with the toe-dipping of late… because if you already follow him, perhaps you’re aware that he continues to get creative-yet persistent pleas from certain TGD fans about resurrecting Neil Melendez. (And by “creative,” I mean they find a way to take just about any post of his, or Shore’s, or whoever, and create a segue back to the “Bring Back Melendez” hashtag.)
I personally have nothing more to add to that particular conversation beyond what I posted back in early April. I do, on the other hand, think it’s important to keep supporting #Shea—both here, and on social media, and in direct communication with the writers whenever possible… especially since some Melendez fans remain upset about #Shea’s S3 “happy ending”.
So when we get a hint of an index card of a #Shea plot point for S4—as we did this week—I say don’t sweat the details… KEEP CALM, AND TRUST THE WRITERS.
And throw them a kind word every now and again. Writers are people too 😊
Look for more #Shea milestone writer shoutouts in future posts!
(Oh, and Mr. Moran and Mr. Hoselton, if you happen to be reading this… I’m an experienced interviewer too. I’d love to feature either of you on this platform in more detail. Just sayin’.)
Well said, Kelli. I have some trust in T L Moran & Co. that #Shea is in good hands. What was written on these two cards confirmed what we already supposed to be basics of season 4: Shaun and Lea still have issues to work through and Claire and Lim share (more) screen time.
On the other hand, I’m somewhat alerted about a certain portion of “fans”. I’m seriously considering to plaster #MelendezIsDead on all non-#Shea tweets just for them to taste some of their own medicine… ;)
This online harassment of @gooddrwriters by #bringbackmelendez supporters is becoming a disgrace for #TheGoodDoctor fandom.
I'm not on twitter so hadnt seen this so thanks for bringing it over here Kelli. Not surprised about the content of the cards after all a drama needs drama! As long as #Shea make up after any arguments or dramas I'm happy! Seeing them navigating their relationship as David Shore mentioned we would in the new season implies some choppy waters as well as calm so we have to expect some conflicts...which we are used to after the latter half of season 3!
Got to agree with Andreas about the whole Melendez campaign. Surely the programme would lose all credibility if it somehow managed to bring him back? I say that as a fan of Melendez too!
My first thought when I saw Mr. Moran's working-from-home mattress with the strategically-placed cards on top was...he's poking at us! Having some fun with us. Possibly my wry/dry humor is showing, but I'll bet he composed those cards just to get us talking. After all, the binder says Season 3 on the front, I believe, and haven't the writers always been extra careful to redact any script covers or pages that they let us see? Mr. Moran has evinced quite the wicked sense of humor in his posts, and teasing all of us, Shea and Melendez fans alike, seems to please him.
Since he announced that the writer's room was back in business, he has posted some hilarious photos and comments -- introducing us to his canine writing assistant, who is appropriately garbed; modeling an "Everybody Lies" t-shirt from his House days; commanding himself to stand in the corner like a recalcitrant child; retrieving a "coitus interruptus" Dr. Lim 3x5 plot card from the back of his drawer; and my personal favorite, the scattered television remotes, abandoned on the ground at the dog park. Each seems delightfully created to elicit demanding howls from the bring-back-Melendez crowd and breathless Shea defenses from "our" side. I have a suspicion that he is loving this. What better way to keep interest in the series percolating through what may be an interminable hiatus.
I do think that the bring-back-Melendez comments seem to be lightening up a bit -- less vitriol and more hopeful desperation. If Mr. Shore meant it when he said in an interview that new blood needs periodically to be infused into a series, and that the choices he and the writers make should revolve around characters that the viewers truly care about -- he should be pleased as punch. He's getting just what he wanted.
Of course, he does poke fun of the fans with that, Barbara. :) Such posts are always calculated, thus it only “revealed” the most obvious: “Couples fight.” (Carly). A no-brainer. ;)
It is the ongoing misconduct of fans that worries me.
Without being on Twitter myself, I can only imagine that the reactions range from "Patch things up? Good! It means there's a challenge for them to work through" to "Trouble already? They're doomed! [unfortunate and UNTRUE buzz word ending in -xic redacted, along with a certain resurrection campaign]."
I have seen the picture, and all I can say at this point is the same thing you did: relax! We don't know how many episodes into the season this is; their relationship could have been going for at least a few weeks by this point. Honestly, I'd be more concerned if there WASN'T an argument of some sort within the first few episodes.
We also don't know the magnitude of "patching" that Shaun is looking to do. It could be a fairly simple, easily forgivable, maybe even humorous miscommunication that Shaun perceives as a major setback. I don't think it'll be something so big that it breaks up the relationship so soon. Which puts my mind at ease, but still plenty of curiosity.
As to navigating the other fans, I just have to trust Moran, Shore, etc. know at this point that no relationship will be universally-loved, OR hated. I'm also not overly fearful of the writers/producers committing to new storylines just because of post-S3 finale feedback/insistence. Either (a) the people threatening to quit WILL quit if the "bring-back" campaign doesn't work, leaving an even HIGHER percentage of viewers supporting the show's direction; or (b) they'll keep watching (or enough new people will watch to cancel them out), rendering the threat meaningless.
I've seen Youtube comments like "I've hated Shea from the beginning". OK...really?!? You hated someone for going to a neighbor's to ask for batteries - that's a pretty low threshold for hate! AND you want the show to cater to your preferences?? It also means you haven't stopped watching since the beginning, so that "hate" can only go so deep!
I also laugh at the "she's so selfish" rhetoric. Why - because Lea at her near-lowest said she is? Because Shaun at HIS lowest said it under the influence of alcohol? Because Morgan said Lea is? What about all those times doing things like driving Shaun home from his wrong bus stop, teaching him to drive and not giving up on him as he was giving up on himself, and the whole host of things from "Friends and Family"? If that's "so selfish", then sign me up!
I feel like I could do a whole post on "Mythbusters: Shea Edition" just to set some things straight. But in the end, I continue to trust that the writers/producers are aware of the big-picture. And I hope they give us some good material to reward that trust!
By the way, beside the index cards with the supposed plot points lies an episode list numbered 401 to 420 with some writers’ names already assigned to the early episodes. And while the resolution of the picture is not sufficient to be sure, I would suggest it reads as followed:
401 David Shore (?) & Liz Friedman(?)
402 Tommy Moran & David Renaud(?)
403 David Hoselton(?) & A. S. Weissmann (?)
404 (?) Peter Noha (?) & Mark Rozeman (?)
405 Jessica Grasl & Tracy Taylor
Wow, Andreas . . . you're good! I did not even notice the listing. Now it will be even harder to wait until ??? The first five episodes are set to be written by All-Stars. I loved the "Hello" episode that opened Season 3. It would be nice to see another penned by Dr. Murphy himself.
Thanks Barbara, I wasn’t the first to notice the list itself – I got that from Reddit – but tried to compare the blurry names with the writers listed for TGD so far. If I’m not totally mistaken, it makes an interesting reading.
The names are associated with some of the most pivotal or toughest episodes not only for #Shea, but also for Claire and Morgan!
Liz Friedman: 205 Carrots, 210 Quarantine, 303 Claire, 312 Mutations and 319 Hurt.
Tracy Taylor: 303 Claire, 312 Mutations
Jessica Grasl: 307 SFAD, 317 Fixation.
Mark Rozeman: 211 Quarantine Part Two, 218 Trampoline and 311 Fractured
Adam Scott Weissman: 319 Hurt, 320 I Love You.
David Renaud: 108 Apple, 207 Hubert, 308 Moonshot, 318 Heartbreak.
Peter Noah: 314 Influence.
David Hoselton and “Tommy” Moran: see above at Kelli’s.
It seems as season 4 might start just as season 3 ended: tense.
cough #Covid-19 cough #MelendezIsDead cough
Oh, I'm VERY active on Twitter, as Kelli can attest, and I cannot count the number of people I've blocked since March 30 (the night "I Love You" originally aired) for trashing Lea and/or Shea, and DEMANDING that Melendez be resurrected. Thomas L. Moran tweeted a picture of himself wearing a mask. Every single response under that tweet had the #BringBackMelendez hashtag...until mine, where I simply told him I loved the mask. (I'm conscientious about wearing a mask myself.)
And some people were panicking about Shea breaking up already because of that index card. That got on my nerves to the point that I tweeted in response to them, "Good God, people, they literally JUST got together! There's enough gloom & doom in the world as it is right now. MUST you predict a dismal ending before they've even gone on an official date? Shea have had fights before! Beginning of S2 ring any bells? They have what it takes to go the distance." I've always believed that. And the last few episodes of S3 were plenty rough emotionally. We had little kernels of hope in there--Lea said "I love you" back; she heard what Shaun told Vera about not wanting to move on because Lea makes him more and he doesn't want to stop being the person he is when he's with her; and when it came down to it, Shaun couldn't destroy the Striped Tomato with that Louisville Slugger--but a healthy dose of angst too. I refuse to believe that they've spent 3 years building to this new beginning for Shaun and Lea only to throw the whole thing out the window in three episodes or less!
I completely agree with both Andreas and Tony: the #BringBackMelendez segment is giving the whole TGD fandom a black eye. This isn't Days of Our Lives or All My Children; there is not some evil genius doctor waiting in the wings to resurrect Dead Melendez. And based on my experience as a viewer of those two soaps who saw Dr. Rolf & Dr. Hayward, respectively, bring back several characters we saw die onscreen, most of them had amnesia for several months, if not several years, and didn't know who they really were or recognize their spouses/love interests/children/parents until they finally DID regain their memories. The character of Neil Melendez died with dignity. The people demanding he be brought back are anything but dignified in the manner in which they insist it happen or they won't watch the show anymore.
And as Tony said, we have no idea exactly WHEN Shaun seeks Glassman's advice on patching things up with Lea, let alone exactly WHAT he needs to patch up. They're going to fight. They're going to have disagreements. They're going to have issues. They've already done all of that. But I believe they're going to make it through whatever this particular issue is. We don't even know when the new season can begin filming yet, so I'll just be keeping the faith over here in my own little corner of the world. #Shea is one of the few things I know I have to look forward to during this strange, stressful, scary time. I'm not letting any negative people take that away from me.
Well-said Amy! A little faith can go a long way - and it is SOOOOO sweet when it is rewarded!
And you are so right - they have yet to go on a date! I've seen some who treat this like an on-again, off-again type thing - upset that they're "back" together. They're not "back" ANYTHING!
Instead, at the absolute worst for those folks, I try to offer it as a "prove-it" situation. Just like Claire proved which side of her was the "real" side (the rushy, rude person; or the person who was nice to him) after the Pilot, an understanding look at all the good Lea's done has at LEAST earned her a "prove-it" chance to show that her declaration of love wasn't just a reaction from the earthquake.
And of course, my own personal take far exceeds that "worst-case" scenario I offer to the skeptics. Like we've said before, the love is and WAS there; what changed was Lea's decision to pursue it. I trust that there are enough open-minded viewers who CAN come around to seeing it closer to the way we see it. Hopefully the show makes it clearer for those who are willing to accept.
Oh, man. Late to the game and look what I missed. Awesome bit of sleuthing you guys! I can't tell you how excited I am about what you've found. Like most of you I'm not too worried about Shea's relationship at this point. In fact, I look forward to watching them work through the lows, just as much as I look forward to them enjoying the highs. And, the fact that this particular low point get's it's own index card and plot point should translate into more screen time for Lea. Man, I can not wait.
... And the plot thickens (maybe)???
Today Thomas Moran tweeted about sneaking into an office to use a real whiteboard and the accompanying photo of said whiteboard had photos of multiple TGD actors spread across the top... including Nick Gonzalez (Melendez)... and of course the previously mentioned sector of TGD's fans are losing their minds.
What does it mean-what could it mean- is he sending fans a clue- is he just messing with people... ah, the fun never stops!
(If someone else can easily share the Moran tweet here in the comments, please do.)
You piqued my interest, and so I did the rare trek to Twitter to find what it could be. I believe I got the right link above. After looking through the comments from Thomas's past couple of Tweets, I think I might have to join just to add to the Shea numbers there!
I recognize that style of board as their 6-Act episode breakdown. Along with pictures of the cast right above it.
I think it could be either-or...or possibly two other things.
(a) A clue about a certain resurrection, as you suggest
(b) A good old-fashioned troll job, as you suggest
(c) A mix-up between Melendez's picture and Glassman's, since the latter is not pictured at all
(d) A flashback (or some use of stock footage) of Melendez to help keep the Claire/Lim story moving
To this I say, let the people have their fun. I seriously doubt they're going to walk-back all of those "he's really dead" interviews from the last 2 months. And personally, even if they do, I'll gladly take it if it means getting off OUR pair's backs!
Did anybody notice that Mr. Moran seems to be only writer of TGD (I’ve seen so far on twitter), that is dropping such “clues” about the writing process?
By the way, the photos of Melendez, Shaun, Claire and Andrews were taken in 2017 for promotion of the pilot. The picture of Ms. Gubelmann was even taken at an event in 2012, as a quick google picture search revealed…
I doubt that he is doing this without the showrunner’s approval. This is guerrilla-marketing, a cheap but effective way of keeping fans invested in a period of uncertainness when the show might come back.
Still, I’m uneasy with this, because it nurtures a certain, self-righteous “fandom” I don’t want to be associated with.
Ok, let us think this through:
1. Shore made sure to express in interviews that Melendez has in fact died.
2. Gonzalez made sure to express in interviews that his character Melendez has in fact died.
3. The show was smart enough not to show Melendez’s last breath, so that #Melendiares can still be in denial.
4. The outcry of #Melendaires was anticipated and calculated on behalf of the showrunner.
Thus, planned ambiguity to keep tensions high during summer hiatus.
5. The pandemic messes with schedule for season 4 and the nerves of the fans.
6. The writing staff keeps in touch with fans via social media.
7. #BringBackMelendez aggressively overtakes every tweet associated with #TheGoodDoctor.
8. The writing staff uses this movement to generate and uphold interest in their show.
Thus, marketing goals accomplished. Yet, what message take the writers with them from all of this?
What I take away is that #Melendaires do not care about representation of autism in TV by claiming that this show has been about Melendez all along. It will be interesting to see if the show cares – or caves in to neurotypical romance instead.
Because if they would resurrect Melendez, this would mean the show would have to allot a lot of screen time not only to #Melendaire but also to the trouble it causes with Lim and hospital policy. Which would mean less screen time for Shaun’s stories.
It would also mean that some of the efforts to rouse the well-rehearsed character dynamics of 3 seasons would have been for naught.
I guess this is the downside of not having a twitter account or instagram, for that matter.
To be honest, we know or at least are not surprised that our King and Queen will hit rough patch immediately getting into season 4. I, especially, kind of expect it because of the godddamn baseball bat scene--yeah, I. Stil. Can't. Let. It. Go--and countless other buried conflicts between these two hotheaded sweet people.
I even thought or rethink now that "You make more Shaun" line and the absolutely heartwarming kisses don't necessarily translated to Shaun and Lea become boyfriend and girlfriend officially. True, Lea admitted she loves Shaun with all of her heart, she also said that Shaun makes her more implying that she wants to be his girlfriend,, but there's also a possibility that Lea still thinks a romantic relationship for this two is too complicated. I know I know, Shorez practically confirmed the relationship is a go, and we're going to witness them navigating through it. It just doesn't necessarily mean, her fear is disappeared.
Thanks to Andreas' apparently awesome eye-sights, Moran is going to write for 4.02, so it could mean that that card is for 4.02. Hence, we know SHEA will have happy happy honeymoon phase in beginning of 4.01 to middle and then Shaun will make a (big) mistake from middle toward the ending, and the conflict bleeds into 4.02. We also can safely bet that no Lea isn't going to move back in immediately. Then again, there's a possibility that those index cards are not even from season 4 at all.
I have this unknown interesting feeling that SHEA's journey in season 4 will bear similarities to how season 2 went. Means rough patches, rough patches, rough patches, relieved it's resolved, sweet moments, then rougher patches and possibly roughest patch yet+cliffhanger. When I said rough patches, it really means that it's gonna be rougher than 3.16/17/18. So, rougher and the roughest are going to be...yep.
I can only guess that the TPTB and even Shore (possibly even Paige and Freddie themselves) love how epic Paige and Freddie's performances at angst scenes, so we're going to see em even more.. (I hope not, but..)
Speaking of Melendez, I was not on board of him dying.. but then seeing how those fans of Melendez are acting just pisses me off. Now, I think I supported Shores' idea to kill him off. Good riddance. I guess I'm horrible.
These writers are really good at bringing out ultimate drama but not at the expense of realistic situations. I can't believe they can elicit such strong emotions for these characters. I love Lea, but there are moments where I just find it hard to find excuses for some of her actions. I love saint-Claire but cheering even louder when Claire became a little bit bad. I love Morgan and her bitchiness, but her low points melted me and made so defensive of her. I'm sometimes annoyed with how perfect Carly is, but she's the definitely the person I want in my life as that wise friend. I fell in love with Park's hard-shells and nonchalance on certain things, but I want to hug him when he showed his caring side. It's like I'm in perpetual awe with Lim, my respect for her character is bottomless. And Shaun... I never fully love any hero of any story before--I usually hate the main hero with the exceptions of Shaun and Takeshi Kovacs. Shaun is not perfect and certainly is flawed, but I can't stop my support and love for him.
Good guess, Faghost! Shaun and especially Lea’s fears are probably what will be driving their arc in season 4 just as before. Lea is going to suffer from her low self-esteem, doubting her ability to be a good girlfriend to Shaun, and Shaun will be anxious about messing up in a way or another, still fearing to be alone (again).
Probably, there will be some trouble about their careers, too. Lea is going to want more than being assistant to Glassy at some point and Shaun will be struggling with only being second to Claire at the race to the end of residency. Also, the pandemic will put additional stress on them.
Putting fears aside was what made #Shea possible in the season finale. Keeping these fears at bay will be the task to maintain and nurture their relationship.
Yet, I don’t think it will get as rough as in 317-20, at least in the physical sense. There is not much left to top that unless a merciless writer sends Shaun away on a medical relief mission in an African war zone with Lea following suit on a rescue mission… [insert the Black Hawk Down soundtrack here https://youtu.be/nUbzX3izyw4 ]
No, seriously. xD We had a deadly virus outbreak in season 2, an earthquake in season 3 and there will be a pandemic in season 4 (and Morgan will be on war path because of her hands) – that seams enough grand drama. Thus, I suppose the writers might settle on subtle character drama for the upcoming season. Angst, desperation and frustration. Neither Lea nor Shaun have any experience with a long-term relationship. Shaun still is somewhat naïve about that, and Lea... the writers even did not bother to give the guy in 315 a name!
And yes – Paige Spara and Freddie Highmore performances’ are at peak when there’s some distress for their characters, as does Richard Schiff, so I don’t mind if the writers give them some more to act on. I never signed on for any fluff.
Yeah, it's safe to say that the succession of this relationship will depend a bit on how Lea, as an independent character, will flourish. Clearly, they don't need to dive deep into Lea, the focus should still be on Shaun. I just need a little something that shows Lea truly doesn't need "fixing" and maybe just in need of some improving. I don't want the things she did and said in 3.17 gone wasted.
Oh, Andreas..... there are so much more to top Earthquake or Deadly Virus.. Grey's Anatomy covered a lot of tragedy happened within the hospital. Pfftt.. I HOPE The Good Doctor won't follow suit, it's just I know there WILL be something even worse... and speaking of that (you're clearly joking) relocation mission stuff, it's so funny that I'd say there's still possibility of Lea going away again--Hershey or someplace else.
Lea's first real arc opened with her Hershey problem, family problem. That arc hasn't been even touched, just stacked higher with elusive details over the time. Even if what happened back in Hershey or about her family isn't something even remotely important that the writers don't even think we need to know, Lea's first long monologue in 2.07 'Hubert' is "...I came back here to get my life back on track..."
Is it just me or that did sound a little ominous? I'd like to think yes, she has put down roots in San Jose, in Shaun's world, starting with living together and eventually committing her plight for love... but what if the only solution to that arc is her going back to Hershey...or pursuing her life meaning on a rescue mission in African War Zone..?
So yeah, I also think (and truly HOPE) SHEA's rough patches will be more like character dramas. Or some simple daily dally little serious romantic relationship milestones. Like, commitment, similarities, annoyance, boredom. No bloodshed, no separated by continents... they're not Logan and Veronica, God forbids they'll end up like Logan and Veronica, too. sheez.
Neil Webb who played Lea's yet another guy in 3.15 is credited as Teddy. The script clearly had a name for the guy (and not just some 'handsome guy' or 'Lea's guy') but never made it on air, just like the name Dilallo, or Dahlen, for that matter. hmmmmmm..
Luckily, TGD is not as dependent on typical medical drama tropes when Shaun’s stories are concerned. They can derive a lot of unconventional stuff from him having ASD and have proven to do so. Who would have ever thought that a brilliant surgeon would try to prove his love by un-alphabetizing his canned goods? I didn’t, but the writers came up with it just a season after they made a fuss about him alphabetizing them… So, I have some trust in these writers to come up with some solid ideas that don’t sink the Titanic a second time or drop a rescue helicopter on a character (the older viewers amongst us still remember that ER-episode).
We’ve already speculated a lot about how Lea’s family will be a factor in season 4. The show has dropped enough cues in late season 3 that it is no stretch so say they will be part of the story, but to what extent remains to be seen. Grandpa Rod’s shop is gone, there isn’t much left for her in Hershey than family members who did not hold her back when she hit the road again. Hershey in season 1 was a plot device to explain her absence and inducing loss in Shaun, while in season 2 it was mostly meant to worsen Lea’s self-doubt and low self-esteem.
On the other hand, with the Africa mission I wasn’t joking only, that thought crossed my mind in earnest, but for another pairing: Claire and Morgan. I must admit, it is not an original idea by me, it was a subplot in the most famous German medical drama series of the 80’s ("Schwarzwaldklinik"): after loosing his love interest to leukemia, a young surgeon seeks redemption by working in an African country ridden by civil war and is taken hostage for some time.
Well, Claire has lost TWO loved ones in one season, thus her state of mind and reasoning at this point are … questionable? Morgan’s dream lies in ruins and she hasn’t let Claire out of sight since 304. Wasn’t that big leap to the old Schwarzwaldklinik-plot. But don’t worry, I don’t think they would pull such a thing, simply because reality has presented them with Covid-19. Enough domestic drama, much cheaper in production.
They really gave that guy in the karaoke bar a name? Might have dropped some scene with him talking in the final cut for more effect. 😉
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